


For your Information:

This website is totally funded by the owners of GITUK.UK.

We do not receive corporate sponsorship or advertising revenues or payment in any kind from our clients, this website is funded at great expense out of our own pockets.

We fund the whole operation and are answerable only to ourselves, the information we provide is from us and not on behalf of a corporate sponsor, the views and opinions are our own and we will give our honest opinion on the equipment we use and or a review of the equipment (this includes hardware and software including App's) we use, and or is available to the general public to use and or purchase.

We do not earn any money from this website, we are totally independent.


The privacy policy also forms part of our terms and conditions when you instruct us to provide our service of Paranormal Investigators.

Once you have instructed us and we have agreed to conduct a paranormal investigation for you, you are entering into a legally binding contract, this is important for you to understand, as although we do not charge for our service, we still incur costs to enable us to travel to your investigation location and to rearrange time off work to enable the GITUK team to conduct your investigation.

If we are turned away on the night or you no longer require us, you need to let us know in writing (Email: ) a minimum of 96 hours or 4 full days notice of cancellation is required, refusing to sign release forms and or permissions will also constitute a breach of contract, as they form the basis of us accepting your request for an investigation. If you do not agree with our terms of business then please do not ask us for an investigation.

We limit our charge to one-way travel only, as by including our own losses by taking time off work would make a total bill too high for an average person to reasonably pay, and often, our clients may be classed as vulnerable due to the nature of and how a haunting can affect the person.

We will charge you only for one way travel between our GITUK postcode to the Location postcode, mileage between locations to be verified using Google maps, we will charge for every full and part mile one-way travel between locations at the rate of £1.10p per mile or part thereof.

We take your privacy very seriously. Please read this privacy policy carefully as it contains important information on who we are and how and why we collect, store, use and share your personal data. It also explains your rights in relation to personal data and how to contact us in the event of a complaint.

When we use your personal data we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which applies across the European Union (including the United Kingdom) and we are responsible as 'controller' of that personal data for the purpose of the GDPR.

Our use of your personal data is subject to your instructions, the GDPR, other relevant UK and EU legislation and our professional duty of confidentiality.

The type of information we collect and how we use it.

To keep us legal with GDPR and the information we collect from you, it is necessary for you to sign release forms prior to an investigation taking place and before any equipment is removed from our transport.

We take your online safety seriously and we store all of our electronic images securely using encryption. This is for your safety and ours.

1) We will be recording the investigation using various means, Video or electronic images of you, and your property, your voice and image etc, and to be compliant with current legislation and law we require written proof of permission that allows us to do this. You will be asked to sign permissions and release forms to enable us to use images, audio and your property during our investigation. By refusing to sign the release and permission forms at the agreed paranormal Investigation location, will forfeit any agreed investigation we have entered into and the contract between you (The Client) and Us (The provider) will be in breach, and we will charge you for our travelling costs at the rate of £1.10p per mile, based on a one way trip from our postcode to your paranormal investigation location postcode.

 Example: A one way trip of 40.6 miles will create a charge of £44.66p.

2) By subscribing and adding your information to our website allows us to send you direct communication of our updates and news of GITUK, your information will never be passed on to 3rd parties by us.

You will only receive content written by and sent by GITUK, in the unlikely event that you do receive an email from 3rd parties saying that we recommended you to them, please let us know as we would never pass your information on to 3rd parties and we need to investigate who or what is sending you messages.

3) Facebook and Instagram messaging, these are platforms not under our direct control and messages from 3rd parties are not controlled by GITUK.

We do not use twitter, any messages that you receive will never have originated from GITUK directly. Report this to us so we can investigate where these messages originated from so we can help stop them.

4) If you send a message to us via email, Facebook or Instagram, if that message also contains photographs, video or images that you have taken and have copyright too, we will only use these images with your explicit permission. In other words, we will look at your image and convey our appraisal on it if it's paranormal, we will not publish any photo, image or video you send without permission to do so.  You can give us permission to use the content of your communication in the context of your message.

5) We do not take payments by electronic transfer to any online payment provider. If you are asked for a payment by us, DO NOT PAY. the request for payment would not have originated from us, Do let us know if you are being asked for payment, and we will investigate where this request originated from and we will prosecute these scammers for fraud under English Law.

about the ghost investigation  team

We have been humbly described by some as the Paranormal's best-kept secret, we do not advertise, we get recommendations from and by people, searching for paranormal investigators to help them, and not just in the UK, over 50% of our enquiries come from the USA.

Due to our popularity, it makes us sometimes unavailable to deal with cases straight away, or it would just be impossible for us to help you with, so we are providing a new service that is available to you, if you just can't wait and want an investigation sooner rather than later.

If we cannot get to you for whatever reason,  we have compiled a list of teams that you can choose from.

We have been very selective in which teams we have selected to list, they are professional investigation teams like GITUK with there own websites so that you can have an informed choice.

We are not recommending these teams, and we at GITUK cannot be held responsible for there conduct if you choose to use the service of a team we have posted, it is your responsibility to select the team and you are happy to use them.

The list is continually growing, so check back if your area is not covered by a reputable team yet, as more teams ask to join us we will vet them and after passing the vetting process they will be added to our list.

Please let us know if any team we list and you use doesn't live up to their reputation.

You can select a team from our 'Investigation Teams Near You' page, just click the link.

types of investigations

SPENCER SHACKLETON. BA (Hons)                              EMAIL: 

joint  Founder of GITUK, DATA PROTECTION OFFICER, web EDITOR, Joint Lead ghost investigator, camera operator, technical supervisor, sound tech, Video editor, Producer, paranormal activity, supernatural & Metaphysical analyst.

Julie Shackleton.                                     

Joint founder of gituk, joint lead ghost investigator, EVP specialist, researcher, paranormal activity, supernatural & Metaphysical analyst and eCLECTIC SOLITARY CRYSTAL WITCH.

The Team.

Private Investigations

We do not advertise this service for obvious reasons, we need to remain discreet, and we get our work from referrals, and word of mouth.

You may require another service that is not connected to the paranormal.

You may require our services to detect a different kind of activity that may be going on.

Our ex-forces members use there training in counter-espionage and surveillance techniques to gather evidence/Intelligence to provide you with the answers you need.

By using the cover of the GITUK web pages, you can safely contact us at  without causing suspicion to whom you want to be surveilled.

We use our equipment in the same way, by video, audio and still photography evidence.

We are discreet and undetectable, the only time they will know they have been targeted, will be when you show them the evidence of there activity.

You instruct us into how you want your investigation carried out and tactics to use to get the evidence you want/need.

We operate within the law of the United Kingdom, e.g. we will not pursue a target in a high-speed car chase as they evade detection, or trespass onto the private property or break into a house or a room to gain evidence.

1) They won't know they are being tailed,

2) We will not do anything that will endanger life.

There is a charge for this service, based on a daily or night rate, based on a full day or night rate for each and part day of the surveillance negotiated at the point of contact with us, as well as direct expenses incurred (receipts will be provided, and a price-cap provided on request) and a mileage allowance based on £0.60p per mile.

For any credible "Paranormal Investigation Team" who proclaim to be an expert is pretty arrogant, I would be wary of them, and any of the evidence they publish or present to you.

We are not expert in the paranormal,

I challenge ANY team or individual who claims to be an expert!

We are though: Trustworthy, knowledgeable, experienced and well seasoned professional Investigators of the 'Paranormal'.


We began our ghost investigations journey way back in 2004, after watching a new series of ghost investigators on a television show called "Most Haunted" in 2002 on the then LivingTv channel, this is when we got the bug.

We went out and bought the same equipment they were using at that time, namely being an Infrared video camera and infrared spotlight an EMF meter and a laser digital thermometer (all of which, we still use to this day), in our search for scientific proof of ghost activity the supernatural and paranormal activity.

​We have investigated places for our own curiosity at first, our very first investigation was at Tutbury Castle as rank amateur's, but gaining experience all the time, and now as semi-professionals, it wasn't until 2014 that we started publishing our findings, after getting lots of interest from people viewing our video's and audio evidence, we decided to take our investigations to the next level, and promote us as a team on social media and create our own website to showcase our evidence.

We now see our Paranormal Investigations more as a calling, we were meant to do this, it is a passion and has become part of our lives.

​The locations we have investigated so far have been of interest to us, as well documented by other paranormal groups. The reason for this is that most of the research and history of each location has already been done for us, (saving us time), and we can corroborate our evidence with that of others and it also ensures that our equipment is proven in the field.

​We have a few secret investigation sites that we know have not been investigated before, and knowing our equipment is proven will let us confirm if these secret locations have any paranormal activity in them.

​As technology has moved on with better ghost/paranormal detection equipment available, so have we. Helping us provide the best evidence, to you, using proven scientific equipment to prove the existence of the paranormal.

(See our equipment page).                                      

​All of the evidence we present to you is the actual real-time footage we capture, nothing has been tampered with, or set up if we don't catch any actual evidence, we still show it, we don't make our own up, it's not what we do, there is no point or need to falsify evidence.

​We have an arsenal of cutting edge ghost hunting equipment at our disposal, to help enable us to get the proof of the paranormal and share our investigations with you.

One of the most frequently asked questions we are asked is "How much do we charge to do a private investigation"?, the answer is nothing, we do not charge for UK investigations. But do look at our terms and conditions before requesting a private investigation.

We will investigate your property or land forfree, document any evidence and show this to you.

We can then advise you in how you can go forward with your haunting, or put you at ease if we find nothing.

You can send us your pictures of spirit captures, your ghost story. we can help validate your pictures or help o explain, investigate your story, or just be that friend you can tell that story too so you feel you are not going mad.

We can guarantee you aren't the only other person in the world going through this.

Drop us an email at:  or use our contact page. You can also message us on Facebook.

We really do look forward to hearing from you.