His work follows the efforts of fellow Moors expert Erica Gregory. (Expert???? self implied then, another bumbling around the moor)

She has devoted years of her life to investigating the murders alongside her friend Margaret Coop.

In 2016, the two of them found a double-barrelled shotgun in its original casing on the Moors.

That discovery triggered a reaction from Brady himself – who admitted it may have belonged to him in a letter written behind the walls of his high-security psychiatric hospital.

And last year, she worked exclusively with Daily Star Online to plot the most likely location of Keith’s grave.

(Yet this so called expert has not found Keith, what she does find is more and more conspiracy theories and tenuous weak links to any and everything she finds).

Brady had been incarcerated at Ashworth Hospital since 1985 while serial killer lover Hindley died in 2002 after 35 years behind bars.

Together, they killed five children – Pauline Reade, John Kilbride, Keith Bennett, Lesley Ann Downey and Edward Evans – between July 1963 and October 1965.

At least four of them, including Bennett, were sexually assaulted before the killers were finally convicted and jailed for life in 1966.

When contacted by Daily Star Online, Greater Manchester Police chose not to comment.

I think we should be contacting GMP ourselves and report Shawn for tampering with possible evidence, and thus "Perverting the course of justice".

This serious criminal offence, which can carry a sentence of life imprisonment, occurs when someone prevents justice from being served on themselves or another party by intimidating or interfering with witnesses, jurors or judges, or tampering with, disposing of or fabricating evidence, and false allegations by accusing someone of a crime which leads to them being arrested.

Interfering, tampering and perjury

Threatening or intimidating a witness or potential witness to a crime you have been accused of, with the intention of deterring them from presenting evidence, is a serious crime. Doing it on someone else’s behalf is equally serious.

The same applies to threaten or intimidating jurors or other members of the court. Threatening or intimidating behaviour is defined as threatening another person with physical or financial harm.

Tampering with evidence is defined as destroying, damaging or concealing evidence, as well as fabricating, altering or falsifying evidence with the intention of misleading the court.

Perjury is defined as making a deliberately false statement in court, which is material to the proceedings. The seriousness of this act is reflected in the sentence it carries – potentially up to seven years in prison. Meanwhile, misleading an investigation by lying to the police could lead to a charge of wasting police time.

As you Shawn Lee have admitted to the journalist of this article, have disturbed possible marker stones, that could aid to the finding and retrieval of Keith Bennetts murdered body, and you should face a criminal enquiry into your unjust actions. (Updated 28/12/2018)​​

Brady's perfect murder!

Brady pictured above at the Moor flanked by police officers looking for Keiths unmarked grave at Shiny Brook.

When we first started our interest with Keith and the Moors murders in general, after our case study of Elsie Frost Murder in 1965 we have researched the area thoroughly, obtained maps from 1961 that would have key areas covered where today's modern OS maps would no longer show, especially after Dovestone Reservoir was built.

We have our own theories as to where we believe the body of Keith Bennett lies on the moor, and we came across another paranormal group.

We made contact with them and we were rebuffed!!!!

Apparently, there were other agencies involved and our offer of help in the search wouldn't be required or welcomed.

Since that rebuff, we have realised who the main instigator of that message was, and believe that they do not want anyone else looking in case any glory is taken away from them if someone else was to find or help locate Keith.

Firstly, as parents ourselves, we would have thought that any extra offers of help would be welcomed.

Our initial message to them was that we want to search, and we were going to share the areas we have searched so we weren't going over old ground wasting time searching areas twice.

But Hey Ho, its obvious they are in this for the glory, and not to find Keith, they are in this for the wrong reasons, and with everything they do, see and find, anything this group finds on the moor, there is always a strange tenuous link to the Murders committed Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, plastic bags, polythene sheeting, rope and pantyhose all found in the 2000's from allegedly the mid 1960's, what we find strange if that if this is crucial evidence, we have a group stumbling around destroying a crime scene and removing evidence from that crime scene thus hindering any subsequent investigation.

So what we offer ( #gituk ) is a fresh pair of eyes, using our paranormal expertise and good old fashioned detective work, looking at the facts, and looking outside the box when required too, and also putting our minds in to that of Ian Brady and thinking like a murderer, and how he would have acted, not how we think he would have acted. Visit our JUSTICE FOR KEITHpage.

​So we will keep updating this page with our progress regularly. (Updated 12-12-2018)


During a quiet period over Christmas, Julie had a day of researching, so we can resume our investigation in the new year (2019), Julie showed me a story she found in the online version of the Daily Star, and it was shocking.

So since we last updated this page, and in particular the paragraphs above, and the so-called friends of Winnie Johnson and the surviving family members of the Moors Murder victims, we happened across this story in the Daily Star published on 26th February 2018.

This just re-enforces my understanding that these bumbling buffoons are destroying a crime scene and perhaps destroying evidence that could lead to the finding of Keith Bennett's missing body, will somebody please stop them!!!!! There are not many things that rile me, but this makes me angry.

​The Daily Star story can be read in full here, Exclusive: Investigator to dig for the body of Keith Bennett. In case this link to the story disappears, I have copied it on to our page here. 

Where we have commented about the story, our words are highlighted in red text and do not form part of the original article.


EXCLUSIVE: Investigator to dig for body of Ian Brady's lost victim Keith Bennett

AN INVESTIGATOR is set to dig on Saddleworth Moor for the body of Ian Brady's missing victim Keith Bennett, Daily Star Online can exclusively reveal. 

By Tom Evans / Published 26th February 2018

Tragic Keith went missing in 1964 – with vile Brady taking the secret of his burial site to the grave when he died last year.

Brady and serial killer lover Myra Hindley spent a lifetime behind bars for killing five kids – including Keith – and burying their remains on the moor.

But now, an investigator who has devoted his life to studying the case believes he is on the cusp of solving one of Britain’s most heartbreaking mysteries.

Shawn Lee, 48, believes Brady took a photograph of Hindley above Bennett's grave in a sick attempt to keep a souvenir of the killing.

The image shows Hindley on Saddleworth Moor holding her dog, Puppet.

Chillingly, it bears eerie similarities to a photograph of Hindley in another part of the moor which police used to find the body of murder victim John Kilbride in 1965.

In that picture, Hindley can be seen holding Puppet and crouching over John's grave in a very similar pose.

Now, Shawn believes he has tracked down exactly where the other photograph was taken, saying it can be used to find Keith Bennett's final resting place, just as the first was used to find Kilbride.

(We have a right Sherlock on the case now don't we????? He knows as much as everyone else knows at this stage of the story, and there is nothing new in his theory that links photographs as markers to the burial site.

The quote is taken from the Star online story by the super sleuth Shawn Lee:

“I’ve now located nearly all the places Ian Brady took photos of including where it is believed the body of Keith Bennett lies” Shawn Lee

Now where have we heard claims like this before, That's right, the other story we wrote about from 2014 by 2 mediums who reckon they knew where Keith was buried, because they talked to Keith and told them where he was buried??????? what we have here is yet again, another headline grabber full of bullshit and hot air. Please, somebody, stop them. They do more harm than good, and any credible investigative team will be mocked and counted as not credible because of these buffoons stumbling around.

The pictures below were used by the Daily Star and show two pictures of Myra holding her dog, as they allege stood over a burial/grave site of there victims.

The picture on the left is what super sleuth Shawn Lee believes to be Hindley pictured looking down at Keith's grave on Saddleworth Moor.

In April 1966 at Chester Assizes, Brady was convicted of the murders of Edward, Lesley Ann and John. He was handed concurrent life sentences.

Hindley was also convicted of the murders of Edward and Lesley Ann, and for shielding Brady after the killing of John. She was given two concurrent life sentences plus another seven years for her role in John’s murder.

At that time, there was no evidence to link them with the disappearances of 12-year old Keith Bennett or 16-year old Pauline Read.

When Hindley, and eventually Brady, confessed to these killings, the Home Office demanded a new search for their bodies.

In July 1987, police finally located Pauline Reade's body in another shallow grave near Hollin Brown Knoll.

But no trace has yet been found of Keith Bennett, and up to this date, 23-08-2018 Keith Bennett's body remains unfound.

So we at GITUK HQ decided after our investigation on 1st July 2017 of the unsolved murder of Elsie Froston Saturday 9th October 1965, and the link that we believe that  Myra Hindley was responsible for the death of Elsie Frost, we have to also investigate the Moors Murders and in particular the Murder and missing body of Keith Bennett.


What we do differently to other paranormal investigators is use Hi-Tech state of the art paranormal detection equipment, and scientific detection equipment, extensive research and criminal psychology, no hocus pocus, no mediumship, Ouija boards or guesswork, or walking on and around the moors picking up any discarded items of interest and linking what they have found to the Moors Murderers in some tenuous way.

The picture here is our wider shot of Hindley at Ramshaw Rocks, and not Saddleworth Moor as Shawn (Sherlock) Lee reckons!, showing more detail of the formation of the rock.

The map produced above we based on past stories written on the alleged whereabouts of Keith and the various theories of where and why Keith would be in certain locations depending on the story running at the time.

One story was the Cross of Christ theory where the bodies were buried in the shape of the cross, perhaps in an atheist Brady's mind to mock the church and religion?

The Daily Star ran a story with this picture left, and it shows the highlighted cross over the graves of the known locations and the possible location of Keiths grave at the bottom of the cross.

If you look at our map you will see that the 'Standing Stones' are not in the same position as the Daily Star have marked on their map.

Don't you just love the sensationalist red top gutter press journalism?

It's the press stories like this that inspire us at GITUK to make sure our article is at least factual. In the real world of fact, the found bodies of John Kilbride, Leslie Anne Downey and Pauline Reade were in an almost straight line

​​Whilst jailed in Ashworth, Brady had an 'Advocate' (appropriate adult). There seemed to be a small glimmer of hope of finding Keith.

But....  it was reported on Friday 12th August 2012.

The mental health advocate of the Moors murderer Ian Brady had been arrested on suspicion of preventing the burial of Keith Bennett, one of Brady and Myra Hindley's five young victims.

Police confirmed on Friday that Jackie Powell, who was appointed as Brady's advocate under the Mental Health Act in 1999, had been arrested in south Wales on suspicion of preventing the lawful and decent burial of a body without lawful excuse.

Powell was apparently detained after telling a Channel 4 documentary that Brady gave her a sealed envelope to pass on to Winnie Johnson in the event of Brady's death.

In a statement, Greater Manchester police said they had recently received information that led them to believe Brady had finally disclosed details of the location of the body to one of his "long-term visitors" at Ashworth high-security hospital where he is being detained.

The force did not name the suspect but said a 49-year-old woman had been arrested in south Wales and remained in custody for questioning.

A police spokesman added: "Officers in the cold case unit made inquiries to verify the accuracy of this report and have since had extensive contact with Ashworth hospital and Keith's close family. As a result, warrants obtained under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act were executed at Ashworth hospital and a private address in south Wales.

"A 49-year-old woman has been arrested in south Wales on suspicion of preventing the burial of a body without lawful exercise and remains in police custody for questioning. Searches of both locations are ongoing."

Martin Bottomley, head of investigative review of Greater Manchester police's major and cold case crime unit, said: "The Moors murders cast a long and dark shadow over the history of our region but in 2009 we reluctantly concluded there was no longer any specific information to identify new search areas and the investigation to find Keith entered a dormant stage. However, we have always stressed this is a case we will never close.

"We have been, and always will be, open to pursuing any new lines of inquiry that arise from significant scientific advances or credible and actionable information."

He added: "I want to be explicitly clear about this: Ian Brady has not revealed to police the location of Keith's body. What we are looking at is the possibility – and at this stage, it is only a possibility – that he has written a letter to Keith's mum, Winnie Johnson, which was not to be opened until after his death. We do not know if this is true or simply a ruse but we clearly have a duty to investigate such information on behalf of Keith's family.

"Since Keith was so cruelly taken away all those years ago, our thoughts have always been with his family as they try to come to terms with what happened. All they want is to finally be able to lay Keith to rest. What I would ask is that the media respect their privacy at this time. Winnie herself is very ill and continued speculation about this letter will only cause the family more upset."

The force later said the woman had been bailed for three months.

Officers seized documents from Powell's house, but believe there is no clear evidence that Brady had revealed the location of Keith's grave.

It is thought that Johnson is not yet aware of the recent developments. Her lawyer, John Ainley, told the Press Association: "Winnie has always believed that Ian Brady knew where her son was buried. She never thought anything else. He had a dialogue with Winnie some years ago and she was certain that he could have provided information that would have given her closure in this harrowing case."

Last December, Johnson said she wanted to hear face-to-face from Brady where her son was buried. She renewed her plea last month, saying in a letter to the 74-year-old killer that her dying wish was to know where Keith's body was.

The makers of the documentary said they had not seen the envelope.

The documentaries commissioning editor and editor for Cutting Edge, Emma Cooper, said: "No one can verify the contents of the envelope and therefore what information it does or does not contain but given the enormity of the implications as suggested by Brady's letter, we felt we had a responsibility to inform the family via their family liaison officer.

"Winnie's poor health was foremost in our decision-making and this is why we have decided to bring forward the broadcast of the film and make the existence of the envelope public."

The film, Ian Brady: Endgames of a Psychopath, will be broadcast on Monday 15th August at 9 pm. In an interview she gave for the programme, Powell said she had received a letter of instruction and a sealed envelope from Brady via his solicitors. She explained that the letter of instruction stated the additional envelope contained three letters – one apparently addressed to Johnson.

Powell, who has professional obligations in her capacity as executor and her role as Brady's mental health advocate, told the documentary she had not opened the sealed envelope so could not be certain of its contents. But she told the Daily Mirror Brady did not want "to take his secrets to the grave", adding that the document could afford Johnson "the means of her possibly being able to rest".

Paddy Wivell, the producer of the documentary, said he was shocked to hear of Powell's letter and that she intended to return the letter to Brady. He suggested Powell felt a loyalty as she worked with the killer for so long and "apparently she took it back to him".

Powell said she received a letter of instruction and a sealed envelope from Brady via his solicitors. The letter of instruction said the envelope contained three letters – one addressed to Bennett's mother.

The producers urged Powell to tell police about the letter and when she declined they informed the police, who began an investigation on 30 July.

Powell later told the Daily Mirror Brady doesn't want "to take his secrets to the grave", and the letter could afford Johnson, who is in poor health, "the means of her possibly being able to rest".

Brady was jailed for life at Chester Assizes in 1966 for the murders of John, Lesley Ann and Edward. Hindley was convicted of killing Lesley Ann and Edward and shielding Brady after John's murder and jailed for life. In 1987 the pair finally admitted killing Keith and Pauline.

David Wilson, a professor of criminology at Birmingham City University and an expert on serial killers, expressed doubt about the existence of the letter.

"There is no new information here," he said. "Ian Brady went back to the moors in 1987 and said to the police officer: 'Who moves that mountain?' They stopped the investigation then because it's quite clear he didn't have a clue where the body was. This is not about Keith Bennett or Winnie Johnson, it's about Ian Brady.

"He is a master of trying to inject what is broadcast and printed about him and making sure we interpret the story in the way he would like us to interpret it. He's unique in the sense that most serial killers don't want to talk and communicate. Ian Brady communicates all the time. When you assess what he writes it is usually self-serving nonsense, not remotely reliable."

Wilson said he was on the moors four weeks ago and saw the tributes Johnson had left for her son.

"I want there to be a positive ending, but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He's legally insane, so why do we believe he's going to say anything at all that can be reliable?"

Documentary-maker Paddy Wivell told Radio 4's Today programme: "I think we probably have to approach it with some sense of caution too.

This seems to me like very much part of Brady's pathology, one of power and control.

"He is a sadistic psychopath and it would appear that this is some sort of victory dance, a kind of power game, in the fact that he constantly puts conditions on things. The condition that it can only be opened in the event of his death is consistent with this kind of behaviour over the years."


We at GITUK HQ cannot even fathom as to why, Jackie Powell, had any loyalty to Brady and took her role as advocate a little to seriously, and was she just looking for her 15 minutes of fame by making shocking revelations of this so called sealed letter to Winnie. Did it actually exist at all, as searches of Brady's cell revealed no  such returned letter , that was addressed for Winnie Johnson. Any normal person with a shred of decency would have passed on such a letter to the police who could have inspected the contents of the letter and take the appropriate action as required. Jackie Powell is in our eyes as complicit as Hindley was in covering up for Brady.


Above is a copy of a 1961 OS map that we made of the search sites and body locations of the victims, the yellow high lighted area is where the official police search took place, the green shaded area is where an unofficial search is looking for Keith, where past evidence and a so-called ' SECRET CODE' in a book 'The Gates of Janus' written by Brady have clues in it that tell the whereabouts of Keiths body.

NB: You will notice on the map that Dovestone Reservoir is not there! As at the time of the murders, it was still under construction.

Brady wanted to commit the perfect murder, we believe that Keith Bennett was to be the victim of this cruel and sickening crime.

Brady had written a set of rules/checklist to follow so there would be no slip-ups or forgetfulness after committing a murder.

If followed to the letter, they would not be found out.

The only thing that will stop Brady's legacy of this so-called "Perfect Murder" would be for the end of this sad tale, by finding Keith's body and finally laying him to rest.

There are many so-called clues in Brady's book 'The Gates of Janus', a lot of red herrings, and a lot of speculation by others as to what is implied in the book by Brady, nothing substantial from the mind of a sick and twisted man.

Winnie fought a long campaign to get Brady to reveal the location of her son’s grave – but the sick killer refused to help her.

Brady had set out to commit the “perfect murder” in which the body was never found, and he cruelly maintained his silence even when Winnie became terminally ill with cancer.

Sadly, in 2012, she died at the age of 78.
Keith’s younger brother, Alan, has continued his mother’s crusade to find Keith’s remains.

Brady, before Winnie died, did offer to go to the Moor and show the police where Keith's body was. When he got there Brady said he knew the area well, yet when challenged by the police, he said he didn't recognise any of the landmarks and could not, therefore, identify the location of Keith's grave.

Brady said about the whereabouts of Keiths Body to the police after....

"I know where Keith's body is, You want to know where Keith's body is, and, I'm not going to tell you."

BREAKTHROUGH: Shawn Lee is set to dig for Keith Bennett's grave

We created a map of the area's the children were abducted from and the burial sites, to see if this caused a pattern between the two.

The abduction sites would seem to coroberate the christs cross theory, although not perfect in dimension, it was Brady who chose the victim in the area of Manchester of his choosing, Myra's job was to ensure she got the victim to come with her.

The picture here is Ramshaw Rocks as it looks today, we believe Hindley's photo right was taken at this spot. A prominent unchangeable landmark that Brady & Hindley could easily find the grave of Keith if he is buried here?



It is no secret that we have been actively searching for the whereabouts of Keith Bennett's hidden body on Saddleworth Moor after being murdered by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley since we started our own investigation into Myra Hindley being a possible suspect in the murder of Elsie Frost.

Spencer (Lead Investigator) was born in Hyde in 1968, living on the same estate before re-locating to Weymouth Dorset with his parents in 1973.

EERIE: The two photographs of Myra Hindley look remarkably similar.

Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, he said: “This location is just a stone’s throw from where John was found south of the road just below the Hollin Brown Knoll rocks.

“The resemblance between the 2 photos is striking.

“I’ve now located nearly all the places Ian Brady took photos of including where it is believed the body of Keith Bennett lies.

“Believe it or not, after 50 years the area is pretty much exactly the same.

“I have decided to dig in this location in September 2018.”

​Shawn has spent the last five years of his life narrowing down where the latest photograph was taken.

(Whoah, hang on Daily Star, you said at the start of this article that Shawn had devoted his life to the case"???? make your mind up),

Originally from Worcester, he lives in Brisbane, Australia, and has been fascinated in the murders since his early 20s.

The location he has found lies south of the A635, under Hollin Brown Knoll – less than 50 metres from the burial site of John Kilbride.

He admits it is impossible to know if anything will be found when his search starts later this year, though.

“Please note that all the rocks have now been moved and the site is now unrecognisable,” he added.

(Now this is what really riles us, and has got us at GITUK HQ really angry, and is what gets or gives us all a bad name, by dicks like Shawn Lee, bumbling around uncontrolled and unchecked, disturbing a crime scene deliberately, in an attempt to stop "Do-Gooders" from what Shawn, Finding Keith before you do, or keeping Brady's perfect murder legacy)????

“I’ve done this to protect the site from ‘do-gooders’ and until it can be excavated professionally.

Claims Shawn Lee, trying to justify his reason to deliberately disturb a crime scene and the possible location of Keith's body. Now our question is to Shawn Lee if he reads this and would like to contact us, is,

1) "Are you in league with Brady and Hindley in an effort that Keith's body will never be found"?


2) " What if new information came to light, and GMP decide to visit said disturbed location, and do not recognise the site from the old photograph's because it has been changed by a bumbling buffoon"? 

3) "I would like to know who invited him to join in the search"?

He has taken it upon himself to search, he hasn't been asked or invited because of his expertise!!!

To quote from David Walliams book "Mr Stink" 

"That's the problem with "DO Gooding", in the end, it's all about the do'er rather than the doo'ee, so you end up with Doo Doo"

Who after all this, nothing more than, as he phrases it, "A so-called Do-Gooder" himself, doing more harm than good, and is hampering the investigation not helping!

You are in this for the wrong reason Shawn Lee, FAME AND FORTUNE and nothing else. 

We at GITUK HQ will make you famous for all the right reasons.


“I’m not sure if anything will be buried there but at least the location has been found. We'll see.” 

Whoah again there Daily Star!!!! earlier you said super sleuth New the whereabouts of Keith Bennetts grave, and where to dig. Now Shawns saying he's not sure if, but maybe a possible location, OMG, the whole of the moor is a possible location, Shawn. 

The picture on the right of Hindley is what lead to the police finding John Kilbrides body, on Saddleworth Moor close to Hollin Brown Knoll..

This story appeared in the Chester Chronicle in June 2004.

Stories like this sadden us, they make a mockery of the paranormal, so when serious investigators get involved (like us), we all get tarred with the brush of shysters like these pair. If they say they were going to find Keith as reported in this article in 2004, then I wouldn't be writing this article today? Let this be a lesson to trying to get famous in the press, at least find him first before going to the press.

               Here's the transcript from the press article in June 2004.


Barnton mediums Christine Hamlett and Jackie Dennison hope to locate the youngster's body and draw to a close 40 years of anguish and pain for his mother Winnie Johnson and her family.

The PSYCHICS claim they know the final resting place of Moors murder victim Keith Bennett, and the 12-year-old's mother has given her blessing for a search to be carried out.

They are preparing to search Saddleworth Moor in Greater Manchester later this month armed with a map which they say was seen by murderer Myra Hindley shortly before her death.

The pair claim they have been in communication with the spirit of Keith - the only victim of murderer Hindley and partner Ian Brady yet to be found - for a number of years.

What the picture on the right tells us, is that anyone who has thoroughly researched the subject is that this photograph of Hindley was not taken anywhere on Saddleworth Moor! Sorry to burst your bubble, Shawn. This was taken at Ramshaw Rocks, in the Peak District Staffordshire, this was a theory of ours when we were researching Keith, that Keith was buried here and not on Saddleworth.

The pictures next below are ours and not related to this story in the Star online, but just to illustrate where the photo on the right was taken.

This straight line of bodies got us thinking, Brady and Hindley went back to the moors and picnicked at the grave sites, they took Maureen and David Smith to Hollin Brown Knoll (HBK) for picnics there, and we believe the bodies buried in this area were placed in the straight line position so that Brady could easily identify the locations from standing at a certain point on top of HBK (Perhaps Leslies Grave) looking out to the south-west down to Greenfield and Yeoman Hey reservoirs, he could survey the areas where Pauline and John were buried. Hence the photographs created by Brady and Hindley marking the grave sites at HBK on Saddleworth Moor.

Spencer created a map of this straight line theory and was surprised at what he discovered, the line intersected the right-hand corners of each dam, and including the Dovestone reservoir dam that was being constructed at the time, coincidence? or genius line of sight (likened to Trigonometry) so that the exact locations can be seen, is Keith's body also somewhere along this line also?



Christine said: 'Years ago whenever Keith Bennett's name was mentioned I saw a map in my head, but I didn't do anything about it until a couple of years ago when I talked to Jackie and she told me to sketch it'.

'In 2001 I read that Hindley had been drawing maps to try and help Keith's mother, Winnie Johnson, find her son's body'.

'Jackie and I anonymously sent Hindley our map to see if we could help. When she died, quite a lot of maps were found in her cell, one of which would definitely have been ours.'

Christine claims her map is similar to one Hindley drew while on Saddleworth Moor and they hope to use it to locate the makeshift grave.

And she believes Keith will aid in the search: 'Keith has told us he will leave a sign there - something yellow to show us.'

Winnie Johnson has repeatedly vowed to keep looking for her son since his murder in 1964.

Mrs Johnson, who is now 71, said she wished the mediums the best of luck. She told the Chronicle: 'I am delighted that someone has started thinking about me as this year is the 40th anniversary of Keith's death.'

'The only thing I want out of it is to find him and put him to rest - I don't want him out on the moors, I just want him home.'


GITUK say, if you want to get credibility of what you do, don't seek for fame in the press, and make promises or claims you can't deliver on.

We are going to try and find Keith's missing body by using our extensive experience as paranormal investigators and using a range of our arsenal of investigative paranormal scientific equipment that we have at our disposal, our limited knowledge of criminal psychology and good old detective work.

We will only go to the press with our story if we find something of interest that leads to the discovery of Keith's remains, or we find Keith ourselves.

We will be chronicling our investigation on this page in an article on our web site for anyone who is interested in the Moors story and our input into Keth's story.

Keith Bennett, 12, was taken on Wednesday, June 16th 1964 after he left home to visit his grandmother.

Keith’s family will have to wait 16 months to discover that the police suspect he was a victim of the depraved Moors Murderers.

It was to be another 23 years before Hindley finally confessed to Keith's murder during a parole board application following a letter from Keith’s mum, Winnie.

This is the selfie picture of the "Do-Gooder" Shawn Lee by himself, above Greenfield Reservoir.

If you see this Do-Gooder on the moor, please escort him of it.

He is hampering an ongoing murder investigation and retrieval of a hidden body from murder, by, maliciously, disturbing a crime scene.